As our children venture into adulthood, packing their bags for college or their first apartment, it's a poignant transition. Though we may no longer be their daily anchor, we can provide them with safety nets. One such safety net is ensuring they have crucial legal documents in place. Here's my suggestion to all the "Mama and Papa Bears" out there on essential documents your young adult should have and where to obtain them:
1. Health Power of Attorney (POA)
Once they turn 18, our children are legally adults. This change implies we no longer automatically have the right to make medical decisions for them. Encourage your child to have a Health POA, allowing them to designate a trusted person (like you, the parent) to make medical decisions if they're incapacitated. It's peace of mind for unforeseen situations.
2. HIPAA Authorization
The HIPAA law, designed to protect patient privacy, can sometimes create barriers for concerned parents trying to obtain medical information about their adult child. Hence, suggesting your child give you HIPAA authorization will ensure that healthcare professionals can share important health details with you during emergencies.
3. Financial Power of Attorney (POA)
Although many of us continue to financially support our children post-18, we don’t have automatic legal rights to their accounts. A Financial POA can be invaluable in such scenarios. It allows your child to appoint someone to handle financial tasks, like bill payments, if they're incapacitated.
Where to Obtain These Documents Affordably:
While there are several platforms to generate these documents, here are some user-friendly and cost-effective options:
Rocket Lawyer:
Mama Bear Legal Forms: - Specially designed with parents in mind, Mama Bear offers straightforward document generation tailored to your needs.

Notarizing Your Documents:
After preparing these documents, ensure they're notarized. If you're looking for a reliable place to get this done, consider visiting the Notary Of Lewi Center. They have a trusted reputation for notarizing documents efficiently and correctly.
In Closing
Our children's transition into adulthood doesn't mean our protective instincts fade. By ensuring they have these essential documents, we continue to protect and support them from afar. It's about empowering our fledglings with the necessary tools to navigate life's complexities, allowing them—and us—to sleep a little easier at night